mac dashboard widgets
mac dashboard widgets


Dashboard (macOS)


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9 Mac Dashboard Widgets You'll Actually Use

9 Mac Dashboard Widgets You'll Actually Use. Don't neglect your Dashboard any longer. Try these nifty Mac Dashboard widgets to add useful functionality!

Add and customise widgets on Mac

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Desktop & Dock in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.) · Go to Widgets on the right. · Select ...

Add and customize widgets on Mac

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Desktop & Dock in the sidebar. · Go to Widgets on the right. · Select or deselect the checkboxes next ...

Bring Dashboard Back

2022年1月31日 — Apple introduced Widgets inside Dashboard, a marquee feature of Mac OS X Tiger. Dashboard consisted of a series of interactive widgets that, ...

Dashboard (macOS)

Dashboard is a discontinued feature of Apple Inc.'s macOS operating systems, used as a secondary desktop for hosting mini-applications known as widgets.


... Dashboard的舊版Mac OS X也能製作widgets。 Dashboard widgets通常包含以下六個檔案:. HTML檔案,這是會顯示於Dashboard圖層的主要檔案; CSS檔案,指定widget的格式(僅 ...

How to use widgets on Mac

2023年11月1日 — Widgets have a long history in macOS. Dashboard, a feature introduced in macOS 10.4 Tiger, displayed widgets as an overlay on top of the ...

Mac新手入門教學:運用Dashboard Widget,讓你工作更有 ...

2017年4月29日 — 當「Dashboard」設定為「作為Space」模式時,可以利用三指在軌跡板上向右滑,或利用四指上滑開啟Mission Control 來打開Dashboard。

「教學」在macOS 上停用Dashboard 儀表板

隨著時間演進,種種跡象也顯示蘋果已經停止開發Dashboard,例如Dashboard 被整合到Mission Control 指揮中心、快捷鍵從鍵盤上被移除、Widgets 下載網頁停留在十年前的設計 ...


9MacDashboardWidgetsYou'llActuallyUse.Don'tneglectyourDashboardanylonger.TrytheseniftyMacDashboardwidgetstoaddusefulfunctionality!,OnyourMac,chooseApplemenu>SystemSettings,thenclickDesktop&Dockinthesidebar.(Youmayneedtoscrolldown.)·GotoWidgetsontheright.·Select ...,OnyourMac,chooseApplemenu>SystemSettings,thenclickDesktop&Dockinthesidebar.·GotoWidgetsontheright.·Selectordeselectt...

Horloger v1.0 - 漂亮精美的桌面時鐘

Horloger v1.0 - 漂亮精美的桌面時鐘
